Community Sessions

In the Autumn we held a Community morning to help clear our newly designated KS2 outdoor area to enhance the area we alreday had. We did a lot of heavy lifting that day, built a bug hotel, painted sheds and fences and gave the site a really good tidy up.
Our staff, children, parents and Governors came along to lend a hand.
One of the biggest jobs was to clear our a very overgrown pond area. We were so lucky to have a team of volunteers who worked tirelessly to bring the pond area back to what it once was.

A very wet start to the day didn't stop us! We added to the existing bug hotel, chopped wood for our new log store. The team worked on lots of diffrent projects, including:
A mud kitchen
Herb garden
Tractor wheel seating/planters,
Wood store,
Painting / white board easel
Table area to sit and enjoy the delights 'cooked up' in the mud kitchen.
A feeling and emotions tree in our well being room.