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At Emley First School, children gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, and composing. Music is a practical, creative subject, which can be of benefit to all children in developing imagination, the ability to listen attentively and the ability to express personal thoughts and feelings. We provide opportunities for all children to achieve success, to respond to music in a variety of ways, and to develop confidence and enthusiasm in listening to, creating and performing music. We aim to broaden children’s experience of the wealth of different music from around the world and through history, and to develop their ability to listen with discrimination and respect, and discuss their ideas knowledgeably and with awareness of emotional impact. As pupils come in and out of assembly, they will have the opportunity to listen to a variety of different pieces of music. The children will learn about different composers and musicians, focusing on one per month, with the piece of music changing each week. Therefore, pupils will listen to four pieces of music by the same composer or musician, enabling them to listen closely to the similarities and differences in a variety of pieces from the same artist.

At Emley First School, our children’s musical journeys begin in EYFS, through singing songs, playing musical games, making sounds and purposeful silences using instruments, keeping a beat, and responding to music through hand or body movements, voices and mood. These foundations are built upon in Key Stages 1 and 2.  Our music curriculum ensures children sing, listen, play, perform and evaluate. This is embedded in the classroom activities as well as the weekly singing assemblies, performances and the learning of instruments. All children experience activities that fulfil the following strands:

•       Listening with concentration and understanding (music appreciation)

•       Experimenting with, creating, selecting and combining sounds to achieve a desired effect (composing)

•       Playing tuned and un-tuned instruments (performing)

•       Using the voice expressively and creatively (performing)

Within these strands, the musical elements of pitch, duration, timbre, texture, dynamics and structure are progressively introduced, enabling children to discuss music with understanding and relevant vocabulary. In Key Stage 2, musical literacy is gradually developed, allowing children to read and write standard staff notation in both rhythm and pitch. Music lessons are weekly, allowing a build-up of skills and knowledge through the year, rather than in short blocks, where learning may be forgotten.

Music OverviewSinging forms an important part of school life, in Collective Worship, Key stages, and in individual classes, and is ongoing throughout the school year.

We believe that, through regular Music teaching, children will be able to sing and perform using instruments with increasing confidence, control, intention and awareness of the overall effect of the music. They will build up knowledge of key composers, performers, instruments and pieces from a wide variety of genres, times and places. They will be able to discuss and evaluate music using appropriate musical vocabulary, expressing their own personal preferences, while showing respect for diversity and the preferences of others, and use music as a means of communication and self-expression.

It is our intention that children will have had a wide and rich variety of musical experiences by the time they leave Emley First School, including hearing quality live performances. We hope that, by providing children with these experiences, it will enhance their musicianship and promote a love of creating, sharing and appreciating music in the wider world.

Instrumental Lessons

Please click on the link below to find out more about instrumental lessons with Musica Kirklees, our lead organisation for the Kirklees Music Education Hub

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